MicroXAM - 100 |
光學式表面量測儀及干攝儀 From: http://www.kla-tencor.com/surface-profiling/microxam-100.html Formerly the Ambios Xi-100 Plus - Surface Profilometer and Optical Interferometer
The KLA-Tencor Development Series of 3D surface profilers offer a complete optical surface profiling solution focusing on the needs of the engineering and research community. Our 3D surface profiler and optical interferometer products are designed to match the varied requirements of our customers through the delivery of full featured optical surface profiler products, integration of new technologies, and improved performance. 聚焦於工程及研究社群, KLA-Tencor的 研發系列的3維表面量測儀 , 提供了一個完整的光學式表面量測解決方案. 經由功能完備的光學式表面量測產品的遞送, 新科技的整合, 以及增進的性能, Development 系列的表面量測儀產品, 我們的3維表面量測儀, 以及光學干攝儀產品, 是為了符合客戶的各種不同的需求而設計的.
250μm 閉回路的垂直範圍, PSI(相)及VSI(垂直)模式 100mm x 100mm 手動樣品定位平台(可選配100mm x 100mm 電動平台) 固態光源, 影像的光學縫接及對齊. Windows XP 及 Vista 相容. The MicroXAM-100 3D surface profiler and optical interferometer complements our optical surface profiling portfolio by combining white light and phase-shifting interferometry for precise, non-destructive surface measurements that are internally and permanently referenced to a standard wavelength of light. The 3D surface profilers and optical inteferometer system provides precise, high-resolution, non-contact 3D profiles of both smooth and rough surfaces. The intuitive Windows user interface allows simple and reproducible program navigation. 經由 結合了白光及相偏移干攝儀於精準, 非破壞式表面量測(它由內部且恆定地參考一個標準波長的光), MicroXAM-100 三維表面量測儀以及光學干攝儀, 補足了我們的光學式表面量測產品線.此三維表面量測儀以及光學干攝儀提供精準的, 高解析度的, 非接觸式的平滑或粗糙表面的三維表面量測. 直覺的 Windows 使用介面, 容許簡易及可重複的程式的巡迴操作.The MicroXAM -100 3D surface profiler and optical interferometer can measure fields of view from 100 X 100 microns to 2.0 X 2.0 millimeters (dependent on the objective lens used). The MicroXAM 3D surface profiler and 100 optical interferometer quickly and accurately measures the 3D topography of surfaces at the nanometer level with 0.1 nm z-resolution (scan setup dependant) a z-scan range of 250 microns (or up to 10 mm with Z-Stitching). With the new 3D image stitching capabilities, multiple images can be stitched together to produce an extended fields of view. MicroXAM-100 三維表面量測儀以及光學干攝儀, 能夠量測的觀測全域, 從 100 X 100 microns 到 2.0 X 2.0 mm(依所使用的物鏡而定). MicroXAM-100 三維表面量測儀以及光學干攝儀 , 在250 microns 的Z方向(垂直) 的掃描範圍(或經由Z方向的影像縫接), 以 0.1nm 的耐米等級的Z方向的解析度, 快速且準確地量測表面的三維型貌. 新的三維影像縫接能力, 多個影像能夠被縫接在一起, 得到一 個括充的觀測全域.
應用: 表面文理, 精確的梯度高度, 表面型狀, 較薄薄膜的應力, 生物學, 微機電元件, 三維影像, 材料特性等.
APPLICATIONS(應用) The MicroXam-100 is capable of addressing a wide range of measurements and applications: MicroXam-100 能夠用在一個寬廣的測量及應用的範圍.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The MicroXam-100 system provides the widest range of application specific capabilities available to a research grade optical profiler. A variety of options are available to enhance the capabilities of the standard system: MicroXam-100 系統提供了研究等級的光學表面量測儀所能得到的最寬廣的特定應用能力的範圍. 可得到很多的選項, 以加強標準系統的能力. |
Hardware Features A variety of objectives ranging from 5x to 50x objectives, with field of view of 100um to 1mm, is available to support both micro- and macro-topography applications. The imaging is accomplished using a 640x480 digital camera sensor array displaying 480x480 images. A four position manual turret comes standard with each system. The manual stage (motorized stage option available) can seat samples up to 100x100x60mm (with XY stage). Extended z-range measurements, as well as focus positioning, can be supported by an optional 10mm z-stage. 硬體的特點: 可取得範圍從5x to 50x,
觀測區域100um to
1mm, 的各種不同的物鏡,
以兼可支援微小及巨觀的型貌量測. 其影像是用640x480
的樣品(含 XY平面平台). 延伸的Z(垂直)範圍的量測,
以及焦點的定位, 可以經由一個選配的 10 mm的Z(垂直)平台l來支援. |
Measurement Principle(量測原理) 3-D interferometric profiling splits a beam of light, reflecting it off both the test and reference surface. The light then recombines and interference patterns are detected by a high resolution camera. This information is then interpreted to provide height information on a pixel basis, building a highly resolved 3D representation of the surface. 三維干攝式表面量測(系統)將一光束分開, 在測量及參考表面被反射. 之後光線合併, 且其由一個高解析度的相機偵測其干涉圖紋樣式. 接著, 此資訊被解讀, 以提供以像素為基礎的高度資訊, 建立了一個高解析度的表面三為的描繪結果.
Objective Lenses(物鏡) 干攝儀及成巷像物鏡, 有一選配的範圍以配合此MicroXAM-100產品. KLA-Tencor 提供5x to 50x 的各種干攝儀物鏡. Motorized Stages(電動平台) 可選配的100mm 電動 x-y 平台, 有一個手動的傾斜裝製, 以及可選配的10mm z方向的 平台. |
Stitching(縫接) The software option is offered to extend the field of view capabilities of the optical profiler. Allows up to 4x4 images to be stitched together using the automated algorithm or user controlled manual overlay feature. The stitching feature does not have to be predefined in the data acquisition setup, and can be applied at any time after the data is acquired. This feature can be used with any objective lens. Offline Software Analysis(離線軟體分析) 此軟體可選配項目, 提供用來延伸此光學表面量測儀的觀測區域. 使用自動演算法或使用者控制的手動重疊功能, 允許達 4x4 個影像能被縫接在一起. 此縫接不用先在數據擇取的設定中先被定義, 可以在數據擇取後的任何時間來實施.這項功能可用於任何可搭配的物鏡. 允許數據可以在遠端電腦上分析. 各種測定設計方法及序列設定也可以在遠端電腦上被產生與編輯, 再被載入儀器的電腦. |
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