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CAD/CAM 牙科簡介
CAD/CAM Dentistry(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
CAD/CAM dentistry is a field of dentistry and prosthodontics using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) to improve the design and creation of dental restorations,[1][2] especially dental prostheses, including crowns, crown lays, veneers, inlays and onlays, fixed bridges, dental implant restorations, dentures (removable or fixed), and orthodontic appliances.

CAD/CAM 牙科在牙科和口腔修復中使用CAD/CAM(計算機輔助設計/計算機輔助製造)以增進牙齒修復的設計和創作的一個領域[1] [2], 尤其是假牙, 包括牙冠, 冠嵌體, 貼片, 嵌體和高嵌體, 固定牙橋, 種植牙修復體, 義齒(可移動或固定), 以及正畸矯治器等.


CAD/CAM complements earlier technologies used for these purposes by any combination of increasing the speed of design and creation; increasing the convenience or simplicity of the design, creation, and insertion processes; and making possible restorations and appliances that otherwise would have been infeasible.

CAD/CAM 以增加設計和創造速度的任何組合, 增加了設計, 創建和置入過程的方便或簡單程度, 補充了用於這些目的的早期技術, 並且使得早期不可行的修復技術和器具成為可能.

Other goals include reducing unit cost and making affordable restorations and appliances that otherwise would have been prohibitively expensive.
However, to date, chairside CAD/CAM often involves extra time on the part of the dentist, and the fee is often at least two times higher than for conventional restorative treatments using lab services.
Like other CAD/CAM fields, CAD/CAM dentistry uses subtractive processes (such as CNC milling) and additive processes (such as 3D printing) to produce physical instances from 3D models.

其他目標包括降低單位成本, 使能得到如果不這樣做就只會是昂貴的修復和器具.
然而, 迄今為止, 診療椅旁CAD/CAM經常涉及對牙醫師的一部分額外的時間, 而其費用經常是比使用實驗室服務的常規修復治療高至少2倍.
像其他的CAD/ CAM領域, 牙科CAD/CAM 採用減法(如數控銑床)和加法的過程(如3D列印)從3D模型產製出實體.....(後續)


我們(先臨三維 + ABDC)與牙科技工所, 口腔門診深入合作, 與國際知名齒科設計軟體公司,
台灣本地的精密牙科機械加工廠, 3D列印機廠商聯合, 不斷提升數字化技術在齒科行業的應用.
結合企業實際情況, 為各企業提供有效的數位化齒科解決方案, 幫助企業確保義齒制作的品質,
縮短製作週期, 提升義齒生產能能量.

我們提供的方案能夠幫助獲取到精確的印模, 模型, 牙齒等相關3D數據, 使得醫生與技工所能夠具有更高效率的溝通, 使設計人員可以更快速地進行設計工作.

固定義齒, 活動義齒, 植牙導板的設計與制作我們提供多項一流的齒科設計系統, 可建立良好的咬合關係, 簡單快速的完成優質的修復體設計, 提供人工植牙手術規劃和手術導板的設計, 讓齒科種植手術更簡單可靠.
經由專業的齒科軟體與AutoScan義齒3D掃描儀, 可與台灣本地的精密牙科機械加工廠, 以及齒科3D列印機前後連貫, 高度整合, 進而有效的製作專業舒適的修復體.

AutoScan 系列牙科掃描儀




CAD/CAM 牙科簡介(續)
CAD/CAM Dentistry(中英對照)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. History
2. Difference from conventional restoration
3. Process
4. Drawbacks
5. List of CAD/CAM dental software products
6. References
1. 歷史
2. 與傳統修復的差異
3. 流程
4. 缺點
5. CAD/CAM牙科軟體產品列表
6. 參考文獻

Although CAD/CAM dentistry was used in the mid-1980s, early efforts were considered a cumbersome novelty, requiring an inordinate amount of time to produce a viable product.
This inefficiency prevented its use within dental offices and limited it to labside use (that is, use within dental laboratories).
As adjunctive techniques, software, and materials improved, the chairside use of CAD/CAM(use within dental offices/surgeries) increased.[3] For example, the commercialization of Cerec by Siemens made CAD/CAM available to dentists who formerly would not have had avenues for using it.

雖然牙科CAD/CAM在80年代中期以被使用的, 但早期的努力被認為新穎但卻是繁瑣的, 需要過量的時間以產生一個可行的產品.
這種低效率阻礙了它在牙科診所內的使用, 並限制其只能在實驗室內使用(即在牙科實驗室內使用).
而當相關的技術, 軟體和材料被改進後, 在診療椅旁使用CAD/CAM(牙科診所/手術中使用)增加了[3] 例如, 由西門子公司商業化製造的Cerec, 使得牙醫師可取得以前不會有途徑使用它的CAD/ CAM.

Difference from conventional restoration

Chairside CAD/CAM restoration differs from conventional dentistry in that the prosthesis is typically luted or bonded the same day.
Conventional prosthesis, such as crowns, have temporaries placed from one to several weeks while a dental laboratory or in house dental lab produces the restoration.[4] The patient returns later to have the temporaries removed and the laboratory-made crown cemented or bonded in place.
An in-house CAD/CAM system enables the dentist to create a finished inlay in as little as an hour in some cases.[5]

與傳統修復的差異診療椅旁CAD/CAM 的修復不同於傳統的牙科的地方, 在於假體通常是在同一天被接上或粘結.
傳統假體, 如牙冠, 當一個牙科實驗室或在室內的牙科實驗室在製作修復體時, 需置入臨時假體一到幾個星期[4]. 病患之後回來做臨時假體的移除, 以將實驗室製做的牙冠鞏固或粘結到位置上.
一個室內的CAD/CAM系統, 在一些情況下, 可以讓牙醫師在短短的一個小時做好一個完整的嵌體[5].

Bonded veneer CAD/CAM restorations are more conservative in their preparation of the tooth.
As bonding is more effective on tooth enamel than the underlying dentin, care is taken not to remove the enamel layer.
Designed to provide a complete digital workflow, chairside dental CAD/CAM systems include a digital impression system, 3D dental design software and a chairside mill that function as a single system.
Designed to provide a seamless workflow, these systems allow you to provide patients with crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers in a single appointment.
Though one-day service is a benefit that is typically claimed by dentists offering chairside CAD/CAM services, the dentist's time is commonly doubled and the fee is therefore doubled.

由於在牙齒的牙釉質上做粘結比在牙本質更有效, 要小心不要移除了牙釉質.
為提供一個完整的數位化工作流程而設計, 診療椅旁CAD/CAM 的修復系統包括數位印模系統, 牙科3D設計軟體和診療椅旁研磨機成為一個單一功能的系統.
為提供一個密切的工作流程而設計,這些系統允許您能在一次的約診內, 提供給患者牙冠, 嵌體, 高嵌體和貼面.
雖然, 一天的服務 是提供診療椅旁CAD/CAM 的牙醫師典型訴求的好處, 牙醫師所用的時間通常是加倍, 因此費用也增加倍了.

Typically CAD/CAM dental restorations are milled from solid blocks of ceramic or composite resin that closely match the basic shade of the restored tooth.
Metal alloys may also be milled or digitally produced.
After decayed or broken areas of the tooth are corrected by the dentist, an image (scan) is taken of the prepared tooth and the surrounding teeth. This image, called a digital impression, draws the data into a computer. Proprietary software then creates a replacement part for the missing areas of the tooth, creating a virtual restoration.
This is called reverse engineering.

在牙齒蛀損或破碎後的區域由牙醫師修正之後, 取得了製備的牙齒和周圍牙齒的圖像(掃描). 這一圖像, 稱為數位印模, 將數據建置到計算機內.
然後專用軟體在牙齒缺失的區域創造了一個更換部件, 創造珠一個虛擬的修復體.

The software sends this virtual data to a milling machine where the replacement part is carved out of a solid block of ceramic or composite resin.
Stains and glazes are fired to the surfaces of the milled ceramic crown or bridge to correct the otherwise monochromatic appearance of the restoration.
The restoration is then adjusted in the patient's mouth and cemented or bonded in place. As in other fields, additive manufacturing (3D printing) first entered CAD/CAM dentistry in the form of laboratory experiments, but its use has since expanded; and chairside use, although not yet widespread, is advancing.

這個軟體將這這個虛擬的數據送到銑床, 其中(牙齒)要更換的部分是從陶瓷或複合樹脂的固體塊雕刻出來.
接著色料和釉料被施加在瓷牙冠或牙橋的表面, 以改變的修復體原來單調的外觀.
然後修復體在患者的口腔內加以調整, 以及膠合或粘合到位.
正如在其他領域, 加法的製造(3D列印), 首先是以實驗室實驗的形式進入CAD/CAM牙科, 但它的使用已經擴展開來, 而其在診療椅旁的使用, 雖然還沒有普及, 也正在推進中.

As machine-built substitutes, CAD/CAM treatments have some aesthetic drawbacks, whether they are created at the dental practice or outsourced to a dental laboratory fabricating service.
Because the superficial layers are typically 60 to 100 micrometers (µm) in thickness, they are not comparable to traditionally fabricated dental restorations, which have multiple layers that are between 25 to 50 micrometers thick.
Likewise, they rely on superficial staining to achieve a more natural appearance, unlike hand-layered porcelain restorations, which possess a deep-set coloration due to the multi-layering. ]

如同於機器製造的替代品, 無論是在牙科診所內製造或外包給一個牙科實驗室製造服務, CAD/CAM的處理有一定的美學缺點, 由於其表層通常是60至100微米(μm)的厚度, 它們沒能與傳統製造的牙齒修復體比較, 它們有25到50微米厚之間的多層體.
同樣他們依靠表層的染色以達到更自然的外觀, 不像手工層疊的瓷修復體, 由於多層, 它具具有一個深層的著色感.

However, traditional restorations also vary in aesthetic value.
In some hand-layered crowns and bridges, feldspathic porcelain is fused to glass-infiltrated aluminum oxide (alumina) or zirconium-oxide (zirconia) creating a high-strength, highly aesthetic, metal-free crown or bridge. In other traditional restorations, this porcelain is layered onto a metal substructure and often display color brightness, an opaque "headlight", and dark oxide lines (a "black line" in the vicinity of the gum line).
As these dark metal substructures are not conducive to a natural appearance, metal-free restorations are typically more aesthetically pleasing to the patient.[6]

然而, 傳統的修復也有各不相同的美觀價值.
在一些手工層疊牙冠和牙橋, 長石瓷被熔合到玻璃滲透氧化鋁(alumina)或氧化鋯(zirconia), 產出高強度, 高美觀, 不含金屬的牙冠或牙橋. 在其他傳統的修復體, 這種陶瓷層疊在一個金屬子結構, 而且通常顯示彩色的明亮度, 不透明的"頭燈亮光", 和暗氧化物線("黑線", 在牙齦線的附近).
由於這些暗色的金屬子結構是不利於自然的外觀, 不含金屬的修復體通對患者是常較為美觀愉悅的.

There are also different medical repercussions for each restorative technique.
If the CAD/CAM restorative material is zirconia or lithium disilicate, the restoration becomes "radio-opaque", just as metal restorations are, blocking x-rays.
Only alumina and some composite resin materials are "radio-lucent", allowing dentists to track potential decay.
Zirconia, lithium disilicate, conventional porcelain-to-metal, and traditional gold and other all-metal crowns block x-ray radiation, disallowing evaluation over time.
Finally, the accuracy of restorations using CAD/CAM technology is not as consistent as in other dental fabricating processes.
Crowns and bridges require an extremely precise fit on tooth abutments or stumps. Scanning and mathematically calculating the stump surface topography has accuracy limitations, as does milling by computer-numeric-control (CNC) machines.

如果在CAD / CAM用修復材料是氧化鋯或二矽酸鋰時,修復成為“不透輻射的", 就像金屬修復體一樣, 阻擋X射線. 只有氧化鋁和一些複合樹脂材料是“透輻射的", 讓牙醫跟踪電位衰減。
僅氧化鋁和一些複合樹脂材料是“無線電 - 朗訊", 讓牙醫師可以潛在的衰退.
氧化鋯, 二矽酸鋰, 傳統的瓷-金屬, 和傳統的金和其他全金屬牙冠都會阻斷X射線, 不允許隨著時間演進的評估.
最後, 使用CAD/CAM技術的修復體的精度是不如其他牙齒製備程序一致.
牙冠和牙橋需要非常精確的密合於牙橋或牙殘根. 掃描和數學計算的牙殘根表面形貌有其精度限制, 就跟以計算機數位控制(CNC)機器的車銑一樣.

Fit accuracy varies according to the CAD/CAD system utilized and from user to user.
Some systems are designed to attain higher standards of accuracy than others and some users are more skilled than others.
Current standards require an accuracy of fit less than 10 µm, meaning the deviation from "perfect fit" is less than 10/1000ths of a millimeter.
Currently, CAD/CAM and Hand-Made dental processes can not consistently achieve this kind of accuracy. Only "electrophoretic deposition" of glass-infiltrated aluminum oxide processes can consistently produce the coveted 10 µm fit.

擬合的精確度根據所用的CAD/CAD系統, 以及不同的用戶而不同.
有些系統設計用來實現比其他系統更高的精度標準, 而一些使用者比其他人熟練度佳.
當前標準要求的擬合的精度小於10微米, 意即與"完美擬合" 的偏差小於一毫米的 10/1000.
目前, CAD/CAM和手工製作的牙科程序都不能一致程度地達到這種精度. 只有 玻璃滲透氧化鋁程序的"電泳沉積" 可以一致程度地產出令人垂涎的10微米的擬合.

List of CAD/CAM dental software products
CEREC: Software for manufacturing crowns, veneers, onlays and inlays using different types of ceramic material.

Delcam dental solutions: For the design and manufacture of copings and bridge frameworks, including full crowns, abutments, dental bars, inlays and onlays, and implant bridges.

Renishaw plc CAD/CAM systems: From a company that started in industrial metrology with patented probes.

WorkNC Dental from Sescoi: CAD/CAM for automatic machining of prosthetic appliances, implants, bridges or dental structures.[7]

Dentca: the pioneer of CAD/CAM Denture Technology, produces high-quality dentures through computer-
aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), proprietary 3D modeling, and scalable 3D printing technology.

3Shape Dental System: 3D scanners and software solution for designing – models, crowns, copings and bridge frameworks, Inlays, onlays, veneers, temporaries, wax-ups, post and core, telescopic crowns, customized abutments, implant bars and bridges, dentures, removable partials, splints.

Origin Intelligence: 3D Dental Scanner.

^ Davidowitz G, Kotick PG. (2011), "The use of CAD/CAM in dentistry.", Dent Clin North Am 55 (3): 559–570, doi:10.1016/j.cden.2011.02.011. ^ Rekow D (1987), "Computer-aided design and manufacturing in dentistry: a review of the state of the art", J Prosthet Dent 58 (4): 512–516, doi:10.1016/0022-3913(87)90285-X.
^ Miyazaki, T., Hotta, Y., Kunii, J., Kuriyama, S., Tamaki, Y. (January 2009). "A review of dental CAD/CAM: current status and future perspectives from 20 years of experience". Dent Mater Journal 28 (1): 44–56. PMID 19280967.
^ Masek, R. (January 2005). "Margin isolation for optical impressions and adhesion". International Journal of Computer Dentistry 8 (1): 69–76. PMID 15892526. ^ Sidekick Magazine, “CAD/CAM Technology: You Can’t Afford NOT to Have It”
^ Masek, R. (July 1999). "Reproducing natural color effects on milled ceramic restorations". International Journal of Computer Dentistry 2 (3): 209–17. PMID 11351485. ^ Micro Manufacturing Magazine, “Dental 3- to 5-axis CAM Software”

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台中 伴手禮 文化節 禮物 母親節 端午節 高美濕地 佳節倍思親,好禮表孝心, 父母的健康,就是子女的孝心. 佳節好禮, WWW.chromnet.net 穩達F3靈芝多醣體在使用中可持續保有可視圖文的肥皂 (Soaps with Sustained Visible Characters and Graphics while applying) 一.特點, 二.可客製化設計三.訂購方式特點: (專利申請中:101150476, 102105651)  1.含有金玉良言及圖案 2.一直洗,一直洗,仍可看得到圖文 3.可多層組成一組詩詞短句本項發明的目的在於提供各種內含有圖案或文字的肥皂, 此圖案或文字具有深度方向的厚度, 以使得在肥皂的在使用過程中, 仍可持續保有可以被看到的圖案或文字. The purpose of this invention is to provide soaps with characters and graphics included. The included characters and graphics have their depths in the thickness direction to sustain their visibilities while applying the soaps. 現有的各種肥皂所內含的圖案或文字, 主要都以表面淺層凹版或凸版方式製作, 在短暫的使用後, 肥皂表面的圖案或文字即被消耗而看不見了, 因而未能在其使用過程中持續保有可以被看到的圖案或文字. 本項發明的目的在於提供各種內含有圖案或文字的肥皂, 此圖案或文字具有深度方向的厚度, 以使得在肥皂的在使用過程中, 仍可持續保有可以被看到的圖案或文字.本系統發明的重點在於其應用方式, 組構型態及製作, 所用零組件能達到所須功能即可. 利用各種常見或特定的肥皂的材料及色料, 製作含有圖案或文字的肥皂,此圖案或文字具有深度方向的厚度. 可客製化設計: 我們可以依據您們的指定,設計所須要的"深度圖文耐用皂", 包括: 皂體尺寸,圖文內容,皂體顏色,圖文顏色,香精成份,單一皂體包裝材質及印刷內容,多皂體禮盒構造材質及印刷內容等... "深度圖文耐用皂" 是可以重疊多層,形成一個含有多層文字圖案的耐用皂,其特點是可在一個多層文字圖案耐用皂裏表達出一篇簡短的古詩,現代詩,對聯或短句等,是我們的專利主要訴求之一.  另我們也可有涵蓋到固體芳香劑及馬桶小便斗除臭劑的應用上,使得芳香劑及馬桶小便斗除臭劑上可以有不同顏色的文字或線條圖案,如"早安"或"請對準","花朵"或"蒼蠅"(圖案),深度都是與固體芳香劑及馬桶小便斗除臭劑的厚度一樣,在用完以前就可以一直被看到,這也是既實用有創新的應用. 客製化的設計, 可以增進客戶的在創新服務層面的評價, 使得產品及服務內容更具有吸引力. 訂購方式: 請至各子項目查看各現有產品訂價,確定所需品項,香精種類及數量之後,請直接以EMAIL連繫,經我們確定可交件日期後,即可付款訂購. 常見香精有:香茅,艾草,薰衣草,樟樹,茶樹,玫瑰麝香,甜菊,月桂,... 運費及運送方式:一次購滿500元免運費,500元以下酌收50-80元運費.以郵局包裹方式運送.  匯款資訊:台中市清水區農會 活期存款帳號名稱:林坤益 (+) 太陽系分析基礎開發中心, 帳號: 45000100033625 通匯代碼: 9544505 NOTE:1.香精種類很多,部份香精對特定體質具有刺激性或過敏性,一般建議先少量短期使用,以確保適用. NOTE:2.不同成份的香精成本差距相當大(5-20倍),在您確認訂購時,會適度酌收高單價香精的成本費用. NOTE:3.不加香精也是種很好的選項,完全不用顧慮刺激性或過敏性問題,但使用時會有甘油皂基的原本不香的味道.能夠體認習慣了也是很好的選項. NOTE4:客製化部份, 煩均以email連繫及確認需求及可交件日期,     良言一句三冬暖(星雲--遠見雜誌)  語言是思想和觀念的表象, 用來聯繫人心的般若風光. 若能時時慎之於口, 與他人共享, 陽光,花朵.淨水般的話語, 人生必然豐美... (http://www.gvm.com.tw/Boardcontent_4574.html) 多年以前,曾經在一篇文章裡,讀到這麼一句話:「語言,要像陽光、花朵、淨水。」當時深深感到十分受用,於是謹記心田,時刻反省,隨著年歲的增長,益發覺得其中意味深長。 http://www.sfes.tc.edu.tw/index.asp(上楓國小好話實踐) http://www.sfes.tc.edu.tw/index.asp(上楓國小唐詩河洛語線上教學)       節氣指二十四時節和氣候,是中國古代訂立的一種用來指導農事的補充曆法,... http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/节气二十四節氣(農委會)http://www.coa.gov.tw/view.php?catid=284 今日星象、行星動向、節氣 http://web2.nmns.edu.tw/constellation/home.php AEEA 天文教育資訊網 http://aeea.nmns.edu.tw/ 太陽系的前世今生, 影像提供:NASA/ESA,陳輝樺(NMNS) http://aeea.nmns.edu.tw/index1.html   大地藏無盡, 勤勞資有生, 念哉斯意厚,努力事春耕. 一.特點,二.可客製化設計,三.訂購方式   大地藏無盡  念哉斯意厚 勤勞資有生 努力事春耕298元/組(320g) 誠歡迎有天文學,民俗學及相關的教育及創新構想的原創者及推廣者,與我們密切合作 !    氨基酸分子模型系列(19種常見氨基酸) 由丙氨酸的基礎結構可研衍生出各種常見氨基酸分子結構一.特點,二.可客製化設計,三.訂購方式   分子球 89元/個(80g)    丙安酸(Alanine)  丙氨酸 369元/個(330g) 麩氨酸(圓柱) 469元/個(430g) 誠歡迎有科學教育創新構想的原創者及推廣者,與我們密切合作 ! RainbowDash 及UNLIGHT 是最經點的動漫符號之一網路搜尋即有豐富的資訊. Ranbow Dash 動畫My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic 之主角群之一 Cutie mark的圖案為打著彩虹閃電的雲在故事中代表的精神為"忠誠" UNLIGHT FACEBOOK網頁遊戲以故事為中心的對戰型卡牌養成遊戲玩家人數突破30萬人   好香皂結合好男人及撿肥皂的梗,並將其實體化梗的詳細資料有請 網路搜尋   誠歡迎有文化及新構想的原創者及推廣者,與我們密切合作. 先民從大陸移居台灣,渡過黑水溝,也把馬祖信仰帶來台灣。媽祖信仰起源於西元10世紀的宋朝,幾乎每個台灣人都耳熟能詳福建莆田湄洲林默娘傳說,為了指引出海的父兄返航而犧牲自己,後來成為漁民信仰的「航海女神」。 一.特點,二.可客製化設計,三.訂購方式   保庇 89元/個(80g)     恭賀新喜_1 79元/個(30g)      金鎖片 79元/個(80g) 元寶錢幣 79元/個(80g)   風調雨順 99元/個(80g) 國泰民安_2 99元/個(80g) 富貴吉祥_1 99元/個(80g) 年年有餘_1 79元/個(80g) 年年有餘_3 99元/個(80g) 誠歡迎有宗教學,民俗學及相關的教育及創新構想的原創者及推廣者,與我們密切合作 ! 牛牽到北京 還是牛,.. 一.特點,二.可客製化設計,三.訂購方式    牛牽到北京   牛牽到北京還是牛 188元/組(160g) 還是牛 台灣諺語_動物篇 動物之台灣諺語 www.taiwan123.com.tw/local/a_index.htm 誠歡迎有趣味文學相關的教育及創新構想的原創者及推廣者,與我們密切合作 ! 沒辦法再更傳統了特出的文化產品, 如沐春風粿模經典(雕:餅印.粿印.糕印.糖印) 粿模_財子壽中草藥種苗很專業的中草藥種苗來源, 值得珍藏綬草沒辦法再更先進了用最先進的技術, 提供最優化的生活營養保健美肌保養居家潔身居家潔身深度圖文耐用手工皂唯一可以讓我們的日常生活充滿文學品味的手工皂, 具有無可替代的專利特點發現金玉良言系列良言一句三冬暖媽祖(風調雨順, 國泰民安, 保庇每一個手工皂都有一句媽祖的提示良言, 直到用完前都還能看得見節氣(驚執:大地藏無盡, 勤勞資有生, 念哉斯意厚, 努力事春耕清明節母親節端午節畢業紀念四書, 五經經典文學系列, 詩, 詞, 曲勵志追思永懷親恩祝賀五世其昌情意與關懷 LOVE, WISH, 平安文具禮頻贈品不只是高CP值,還特別具有創新及創意科教禮贈用品結合科學, 教育, 文創, 既有趣又有豐富的科學人文內涵天文科學星座觀測, 觀測工具發現生命的起源及意義考古人類學探索, 學習, 驚奇, 有趣 ... 追思(城鄉差距與世代正義) 記憶伴隨著歲月, 從鄉村到城市, 一切是否留下寶貴的智慧, 或是只是無限的追思 ! 小時候, 母親曾說:"如果我們這邊有一條較直的大路直接到清水鎮上就好了" 這事實上也是我們鄉下人共同的期望與夢想. 記得每年農曆10月13前後, 母親難得年回甲南娘家一次 , 我們總是既期待又害羞. 回甲南娘家其實不遠, 走路只要約50-60分鐘 , 不過幾十年來一直也沒有公車... 有時後總是在想, 這人類的社會到底是怎麼回事 ? 人口總是往都市集中, 留在鄉下卻是一些無法被提起的記憶 ? 因此, 容我們有一點能力與機會, 來訴說我們的所見所知與所感 , 也希望這一切是留下來的不只是無限的追思.